The short novel Harun and the Sea of ​​Stories is the first work Salman Rushdie wrote in 1990, after The Satanic Verses and after two years of silence following the pronouncement of the deadly fatwa. It is a phantasmagorical story about freedom of speech. The novel raises the question of the meaning and (dis)usefulness of art. What is the point of stories that are not yet true?

Director: Ivana Djilas
Choreography: Maša Kagao Knez
Author of the dramatization: Ivana Djilas
Translator: Jure Potokar
Set designer: Sara Slivnik
Costume designer: Jelena Proković
Author of the video: Vesna Vega
Author of the music: Boštjan Gombač
Proofreader: Barbara Rogelj
Animation consultant: Brane Vižintin
Lighting designer: Igor Remeta
Mask designer: Matej Pajntar 
Photography: Nada Žgank