A deep and colourful generative 3D AV project with infinite 3D space, planet-like dynamic AV objects, single screen for interface and output.

Esoterion Universe consists of an empty 3D space that can be filled with planet-like audiovisual objects. The objects can be manipulated and can be given different appearances and sounds. Users can navigate in space and the audiovisual outcome is influenced by that navigation. Generic, media neutral terms such as warmth, sharpness, size and oscillation are used to characterise and connect sound and visuals. A semantic approach was chosen for this connection instead of a one-to-one parameter mapping. The GUI consists of sliders distributed concentrically, in the shape of a star graph, embedded in the centre of the object. It integrates aesthetically with the objects. openFrameworks with openGL is used for graphics and interaction, and Max/MSP for sound. OSC is used for communication.

Main features: infinite 3D space, infinite number of planet-like dynamic objects, single screen for interface and output.

Borut Kumperscak, Coralie DiatkineMatthias MoosWill Gallia.